Welcome to Year 2 at Huncoat Primary School 2022-2023
Our Year 2 Teacher is Mrs L Casper
Our teaching assistants are Mrs C Newell (Full time) Mrs Alderson - Mon/Tues/Wed am
About Year 2
A warm welcome to Year 2! In the mornings the children line up in the yard and are brought into school by either myself (Mrs Casper) or Mrs Newell, our brilliant TA. If you have any questions, worries or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to us. A quick word is fine but please do be mindful that it is a busy time. If you would like a chat please wait until after school when all the children have been seen out safely.
Please check that all your child's belongings are clearly labelled, a sharpie pen on the label works fine. Children need to have their PE kit in school at all times please. Our PE day is WEDNESDAY and sometimes we have additional activities on other days such as dance taking place.
Homework: Your child's progress at school is down to teamwork. Your child will bring home a sheet with their logins and passwords, please keep this safe and easily accessible. Practice really does make perfect and your child will benefit so much from practising their reading book with you most school nights. Please use the reading book diary to comment when you have listened to your child read. A simple comment about the pages read is fine e.g. 'Sam read pages 4 to 7. He tried hard to sound out some tricky words' or ' Sam could talk about what he had just read and answer some simple questions'. Reading books should be brought into school each day so that they can be changed regularly and staff can hear the children read. Children are rewarded with Owlets for reading at home at least 3x per week.
Snacks and drinks: School provides a selection of fruit each day. Your child needs to bring their own water bottle with fresh water in each day please.
Thank you for your support, Mrs L Casper
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Curriculum Map Y2 v2 Current 21 22.docx | Download |
In Spring Term 1 Yr2 are reading...
Spring Term 2023
Mrs Casper reads the class novel to everyone, every day. We enjoy the quiet time together, usually after lunch. It's a great way to practise some of our skills such as listening carefully, identifying and describing characters, learning new vocabulary and magpieing ideas for our own stories. We like to develop the love reading in Year Two.
Our PE day is Wednesday- Shorts, tee shirt and pumps, all named please.
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huncoat-kirfs.pptx | Download |
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Spelling lists for Year 2.docx | Download |