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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Teacher: Miss Gregory 

Teaching Assistant: Miss S Hogan


A copy of the Year 5 curriculum overview can be downloaded below.


HUNCOAT Year 5 Curriculum Map - 2022 2023.docx

PE days are on Thursday mornings - you need a full indoor and outdoor kit at all times. These will be sent home every half term for a wash!

Spelling Test Day is every Friday (Please access spelling shed!

Homework is reading 3 x week - This is now recorded and a reward is given to those who are reading 3x weekly.

Times tables Rock Stars weekly, Spelling Shed weekly and our termly topics homework needs to be completed. (Please see task sheet below)

Spring homework due: Monday 27th March 2023

Key dates this term:  Thursday 2nd March - World book day, Tuesday 14th March - parents evening, Friday 17th March - Comic relief, Tuesday 21st March - World poetry day and visit off Poet Andy Tooze, Tuesday 28th March - Easter celebration concert 9am, Wednesday 29th March - Easter fun night.



Year 5 are currently reading...


Spring 2

  Hi all! My name is Miss Gregory and I am the Year 5 teacher at Huncoat Primary School. In Year 5. Spring term is SUPER exciting as we have lots of school trips, school visitors and fun themed days at school. This half term our topic is 'An adventure into the Amazon' and our BIG QUESTION for this topic is 'Do we need rainforests?'Within this topic, the children are going to be re-capping on our mapping skills and we are going to be identifying where the rainforest/tropical biomes are in the world. We are going to be looking at a range of maps, identifying the countries in South America and compare it to the UK. We are going to be using google earth and google maps to identify the human and physical features of South America and the children are going to be researching geographical issues, such as deforestation and we will be holding a debate/discussion over this. 



In English this half term, we are going to be looking at both a fiction and non-fiction unit of work. Our fiction unit of work links closely to our topic 'The Amazon Rainforest'

The children are going to be reading and analysing a range of stories from other cultures, we are going to be picking out key vocabulary, exploring a range of stories and analysing the features of stories from other cultures. We are going to be focusing greatly on different words and phrases that are in the stories we read, looking at definitions of these. The children are going to be writing lots of different setting descriptions, focusing on expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and effective simile openers. 

In our non-fiction unit of work, we are going to link this to our Geography unit and the research we do on deforestation. We are going to be writing discussions (balanced arguments) and persuasive letters to conservationists in South America based on the current issue. 

In Science this half term we are studying the lifecycles of animals, plants and humans. The children are going to be studying the different types of animals and how their lifecycles compare to others. The children are also going to be looking at sexual and Asexual reproduction of plants and we will be focusing closely on tuber plants and how we could create a mini garden in our school grounds. This unit of work will link closely to this years school trip.

In Math's this half term we will be covering the following topics:

WC 20th February 2023 - Place value 

WC 27th February 2023 - Mental and written division 

WC 6th March 2023 - 2D and 3D shape including sorting

WC 13th March 2023 - Calculating with fractions 

WC 20th March 2023 - Measurement (Area and Volume)

  •   Other curricular learning we will be doing is:
  • Religious Education:  Christianity - Jesus - What do we mean by a miracle?
  •  P.S.H.E:  - I am healthy.
  • Art - Textiles and collage.  


  Below you can find some of our knowledge organisers and our termly newsletter.

Please also see the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. These are words which children need to learn by the end of Year 6. 

Below is our spelling overview for the year.