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Lynwood Road, Accrington, Lancashire BB5 6LR

Our Uniform:

Our main stockist is Whittaker's Uniform School in Oswaldtwistle Mills and Abbey Street, Accrington

T-Shirts/ Trousers/ Shorts/ Our PE Kit can be bought from any high street shop 

We changed our uniform in September 2019 and Our Uniform Policy is attached here 

Uniform Policy

Please click here to see our full uniform.

If any families struggle to access a uniform please see the Head Teacher / Pastoral Lead: Mrs Alldritt - who can offer help in some way. 

Nursery Uniform:

A purple jumper with our logo on

Nursery age children can wear any t-shirt/skirt, trousers, leggings etc

Nursery girls can wear our grey kilt and many families do choose this

Nursery boys can wear grey trousers/ shorts

We ask ALL our nursery families to provide their own wellies/ a complete change of clothing / hats, scarves, gloves/ sunhat 


Reception - Year 6:

White SHORT sleeved polo t-shirt - this does not need to have our logo on

Blue jumper/cardigan with our logo on

Grey check kilt/pinafore - no grey skirts 

Grey trousers or knee length shorts - not black 

Black shoes ONLY

Black/Grey/white socks and tights ONLY

Hair accessories must be blue & white only

In summer a blue and white summer dress can be worn 


PE Kit:


white t-shirt

black shorts


KS2only: a blue hoody & trainers for outdoor PE 


In 2022 we held our first Uniform Sale for second hand, good condition uniforms. This helped so many of our families - a BIG thank you to all those who donated uniforms/ shoes etc. We will make sure this is an annual event.